
Ooo, ahh...

I have plenty to write about, but first things first.

I still have much to do with the blog layout, but this 'minimal black' template is a good start. I'm thinking of further expressing the 'Iron Dragon' part of the layout, but understanding the blog HTML will take me awhile to puzzle out. I'm not a big fan of CSS style sheets, but at least it's flexible.

I'm thinking of using here and there the "Ironclaw" font from Sanguine Productions, as I've used that font well in the past. They have it as a free font download here: http://www.sanguine.com/downloads/Ironclaw_fonts.zip (And yes, I like Ironclaw. I'm thinking about ordering more suppliments, including their Jadeclaw book. So I like dragon PCs. Ask Nuemon, my D&D Ebberon-style silver hachling PC. He doesn't give a shit about much, BTW. )

Offhand, a good grey scale-like sideline fading into black from the left side seems to be a good start there. I might mess around with 'bordering' for the top box, but that's an option. (But I am strongly tempted to be a smart-ass and use my favorite Breath of Fire 2 textbox instead. 'What do you want to do with the Dragon God?' makes me think up random smart-ass replys, mwahahahah... )

I think I'd better start this now. Oh, and just to finish this off...

[Insert poop joke here, much hilarity ensues.]


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